Christmas Gifts From Eloise
I’m giving the bellboys earmuffs, the waiters pairs of socks
I thought Room Service should have the music box
And Vincent the barber this rather unusual brush
With bristles that got caught up in the Christmas rush
For Mr Harris in catering, a pair of woollen gloves
And a piece of fruitcake from Japan, he absolutely loves
The 59th Street doorman a bottle of Guinness stout
To keep him warm inside when there’s a blizzard on the out
And when I’ve packaged all the gifts and wrapped them carefully
Nanny helps me sort them all out underneath the tree tree tree
And for a carriage horse who stands across the street
A blanket with his initials on and a Christmas sweet
I sent a Christmas card to the ducks in Central Park
With a photograph of Skipperdee attached just for a lark
I’ve organised some raisin milk today for Skipperdee
For Weenie there’s a roast beef bone, it’s underneath the tree tree tree
The special delivery postman came at half past ten
With a zippy bag from Mother’s lawyer friend
Nanny said “It’s a rawther peculiar thing to send
For lord’s sake Eloise. You’d better wrap it up again.”
And when I’ve packaged all the gifts and wrapped them carefully
Nanny helps me sort them all out underneath the tree tree tree
I’m giving the bellboys earmuffs, the waiters pairs of socks
I thought Room Service should have the music box
And Vincent the barber this rather unusual brush
With bristles that got caught up in the Christmas rush